Our May same brew we are going to keep it light and go to an AHA Blonde Ale Gold Medal Winner from Tom Litwin of Sherwood, OR, member of the Strange Brew Homebrew Club. This was 1st out of 303 entries.

Details: 5.5-gallon recipe
Target OG: 1.050
Target FG: 1.008
IBUs: 20
Target ABV: 5.1
Target pH 5.2
SRM: 4.3
Mash @ 152 F for 60 min
Sparge @ 152 F to collect wort (volume depending on batch size)

5# Pale ale
4# Pilser
.5# Munich
.5# Wheat, flaked

.75 oz Cascade @ 60min
1.0 oz Saaz @ 15min

Imperial Pub Yeast